


Many Benefits of a Trademark

10 Years Validity

Once approved, your trademark is active and valid for 10 years and can be easily renewed once expired.

Easy Recognition

Your busines trademark can become the most valueable asset that you might hold overtime and it can create huge brand awarenes and fast brand recognition.

Exclusive Rights

Once approved, your trademark becomes your absolute private property and can be used as and when it is favourable for you.

Builds Trust

The R (Registered) logo next to your brand name or logo speaks volume about your committment to your business.

Licensing & Expansion

Once established, if you wish to expand via franchise or seld owned branches, you will require a trademark to establish your brand authority.

Company / Non-MSME

- Trademark Filing under any 1 class
- Right to use TM symbol till trademark approval
- Right to use R symbol once trademark is approved.
- MSME discount of 50% off is not applicable for non-msme Companies.

Rs 12,499 (Gst Included)

Individual / MSME

- Trademark Filing under any 1 class
- Right to use TM symbol till trademark approval
- Right to use R symbol once trademark is approved.
- Udyam registration is mandatory for MSME discount.

Rs 5,949 (Gst Included)