can Indian economy survive another lockdown

Can Indian Economy Survive another Lockdown ?

PM Modi hints at lockdown extension in Covid-19 hotspots after May 3, asks CMs to draw exit policy, but can Indian economy survive another lockdown extension ?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday hinted at another extension of lockdown in Covid-19 hotspots after May 3 during his virtual meet with chief ministers. The PM also lauded the efforts made by states across India to contain the deadly novel coronavirus pandemic while asking them to prepare a lockdown exit policy.

In a review meeting with chief ministers over lockdown extension on Monday, the Prime Minister said collective efforts of states have helped to manage the present crisis and added that thousands of lives have been saved due to steps taken by state governments in the past one and a half months.

“We saw a two-stage lockdown, with strict measures in the first phase and then some relaxations in the second. Good work has been done in the states,” PM Modi told the CMs.

The PM said: “Efforts of states should now be directed towards converting the red zones into orange and thereafter to green zones. We have to be brave and bring in reforms that touch the lives of common citizens.”

During his meeting via video conferencing on Monday, Prime Minister Modi told the CMs that a policy needs to be drawn to exit the lockdown. PM Modi asked the states to prepare state-wise exit policy in view of their red, orange and green zones. And probably the orange and red zone will be enforced for lockdown 3.0, But can Indian economy survive another lockdown ?

PM Modi also forewarned that the danger is far from over and constant vigilance is required. “Impact of Covid-19 will remain visible in coming months, masks and face covers will be part of life,” PM Modi told the CMs.

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